#1463. Cherry Pickup II
* @param {number[][]} grid
* @return {number}
function cherryPickup(grid) {
const m = grid.length;
const n = grid[0].length;
// Initialize dp array
const dp = new Array(m).fill(null).map(() => new Array(n).fill(null).map(() => new Array(n).fill(-1)));
// Function to calculate maximum cherries
const maxCherries = (row, col1, col2) => {
// Base case
if (row === m) return 0;
// Check if already visited
if (dp[row][col1][col2] !== -1) return dp[row][col1][col2];
let cherries = grid[row][col1];
if (col1 !== col2) cherries += grid[row][col2];
let max = 0;
// Try all possible moves for robot 1 and robot 2
for (let move1 of [-1, 0, 1]) {
for (let move2 of [-1, 0, 1]) {
const newCol1 = col1 + move1;
const newCol2 = col2 + move2;
// Check if new positions are valid
if (newCol1 >= 0 && newCol1 < n && newCol2 >= 0 && newCol2 < n) {
max = Math.max(max, maxCherries(row + 1, newCol1, newCol2));
// Update dp array
dp[row][col1][col2] = cherries + max;
return dp[row][col1][col2];
// Call maxCherries starting from the top row and columns 0 and n-1
return maxCherries(0, 0, n - 1);
Too hard and I am too tired to go over it. Would probably watch a neetcode's video on it.